Search results for: Ballykealey address by tenantry to Colonel R.B.

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Ballykealey address by tenantry

By |2024-06-20T19:30:36+01:00December 3rd, 2010|

Address to Colonel R.B. Lecky DSV from his Tenantry on the Ballykealey Estate Presented this 28th day of May 1921 Dear Colonel, We, your tenants, cannot allow this auspicious occasion of your marraige to pass by without expressing in some humble way our feeling of friendship, respect and esteem towards yourself personally. We are glad [...]

Local History

By |2024-06-20T19:30:34+01:00December 1st, 2010|

If you have something to add to any of these pages, or start a new page please let me know. Ballintemple - Days of Yore Ballon Hill Ballon's memorial to unbaptised children Ballykealey address by tenantry to Colonel R.B. Lecky Ballykealey House Ballykealey Walled Garden Ballykealey Ordnance Survey 1839 Carlow notices for the registration of [...]

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